i'm soooo 'bai ga' this time..
wanna see how 'bai ga' am i??
wait la.. got story to tell...
yesterday i was damnn fukn lucky lo..
we were shopping in Parkson.. then me and mom went to different fitting room. after trying on the clothes, mommy asked me to go her room to see her kepoh.. so i went la.. brought all my shopping bags along and ciao..
after changing, went out to return the baju and we continue shop for our baju.. after choosing hard, me headed to fitting room as usual(another new fitting room).. in the fitting room, received few calls from Jacky and Michelle.. chatted happily with them.. puas puas finished chatting and trying.. i pun dah nak keluar dah.. take all my shopping bags and WAIT!! WHERE'S MY BAG??????
(i usually hang my sling bag on before trying on clothes) FUCK! my balls shrunk instantly and rushed out from the fitting room and headed to the previous fitting room before me ciao-ing to my mom's room.
obviously it's gone after 20minutes leaving there.. some sales girl came by and asked what happened bla bla.. and asked us to go the customer service.. in my heart.. gone case gela.. ic, driving license, atm card, car keys, house keys, new esprit bag, cash..... sobb...
when we reached CS, thank god they said there's a sales girl found and handed it to CS.
WHAT A RELIEVED MAN!! wanted to thank the sales girl but she went for her break. :(
and thank god for letting me to meet such an honest person.. Sadhu sadhu sadhu..
fuh.. lesson learned.. no more second time i swear. lol..
kla.. wanna see what i've shopped??
not exclusively mine ok.. included mom's too.. but majority are mine la. keke.. :p
got ourselves an esprit membership card today too. ^^
coming Wednesday will be@Midvalley/The Garden!! yuhoo..
random pic of the month.

a night out to Pavilion to catch The Bolt.
the 3D glasses is fucking annoying!

couples?? lol. doug ganas sial.. bbq night at my room.
love you guys.

jac got jealous.. lol
cis.. belah la you.. don't act pity.. :p
shooo la you. i love girl now.. :p

we were high i guess. haha
our lovely kakak.. can click with us..
nice right? done by me.. hehe.. *proud*
christmas night@jac's crib.
lastly, proudly present

yuhoo!! jumping high.. :p
kla.. very the long post d.. bye!! have a nice weekend and happy holiday!