Sunday, April 12, 2009

pizza hut. anyone?

just came across an email regarding Pizza Hut.
if you ever notice, the top right corner of the receipt, there's a column for RACE
yea. warna kulit anda yang berseri-seri!
just so you know, if only you happened to born as a Muslin in this 'wonderful' country, you're exempted from their tax and service charges.
babi right?

mom will be back in an hour time. yay! <3
i wan souvenirs!! but no-to-tee-shirts!! :p

i wish to have a puppy so badly! :(


fluotone said...

I've been so bored lately :p

eh when do u wanna go to tenji? confirm time with me ya. My sushi cravings are back and that place isn't racist..

why puppy? i got a dog which i'd be happy to give you :)

Jean said...

why so bored ya? your directors and all quit coffee and tea d ar? drink milo instead? hhahaha..

me anytime la.. damn bored now. when u free? this week sushi week and i haven't get to eat also. SIGH!

why la you wan give away? bad master!! puppy is sooo cute la.. blek.

fluotone said...

actually, "milo" is also carefully supervised by my department.. hehe :p

ok dont worry, we go eat as much sushi we can possibly eat. will confirm with you by phone..

no no, i'm not a bad master, but if by giving benji away can make someone happy, why not :) okay decided not to give him away~ maybe I can lend him a day or two, but must take good care!! but I doubt you'd be interested in having a domestic mongrel who is very hyper hehe.. ;)

jean said...

haha. how about teh-o, teh-o-limau, teh tarik, teh-c, teh-c-halia??
all under your supervise too? hehe

okie. wait u ajak. hhehe..

aww.. benji would hate me if you give him to me!! let's bring benji to tenji!! haha.. it rhymes~~ hyper mongrel ar? like u loo? like master like pet ma. :p hehe..